Sunday, September 29, 2013


I just landed back in LA tonight after having spent around four days in New York. Four days of fun and it only took four to completely fall in love with this city. I'd been before, but never on my own and never with the mentality that I have now. Which changes everything.
Late nights, art, friends, discovering. It was magic and I am thankful.

Quote from my Journal:
""You attract what you put into this world" he said, and if so- the theory makes sense. I am in love, intrigued and fascinated with the world-and It too, seems to be with me. It is a beautiful romance disrupted one or two times a month with a tantrum- but other than that, I can't complain. So here I am, at Siggy's 'good food- all Organic' café, an amazing place that I found as I was completely lost walking around in Brooklyn. Though my theory is that it is only when we are lost that we find what is best for us and discover little treasures"

Friday, September 20, 2013


Check out the special edition of Elle US Weekly which launches today for Paris fashion week! It's an interactive beauty story for the new Elle US App on iPad, it's really cool, and you'll be able to mix and match makeup looks on my face! haha. Shot by Beautyisboring's Robin Black, a make-up artist and photographer with whom I've worked with now a few times. Love her!

Click on this link for more:

Backstage Photos:



Thursday, September 19, 2013

TBT: An excerpt from my Diary

*Every TBT I will post an excerpt from my diary that I had written last year while on my 7 month Africa & Spain & France travels. Those 7 months shaped and changed me, and in them I discovered all sorts of beauty. So, on every TBT until I can no more, I will share little part of me and what I've seen. (They are all written in French, so i'll translate and have both for you)*
C'est le printemps, environ 11 heures du matin, direction Le Pyla, Arcachon. Le soleil descend doucement à travers la vitre de la voiture, qui est d'ailleurs rempli avec des bagages entassées j'usqu'au plafond. Mais tout est très très calme. Il y a de la musique classique qui joue et enchaine à la radio. Je regarde dehors- pour l'instant tout est plat, interrompu parfois par des champs fleuri de Colza, des fleurs jaunes canari, vif mais pas 'tarte', et à la fois, joyeuses. Tout au fond du regard on voit des forets, comme partout en France, mais de plus pres, on voit de temps en temps un arbre singulier posée au milieu d'un champs de fleurs, ont dirait presque un arbre 'de vie' vous connaissez? A l'instant, je reçois un message de mon amour. Mais l'amour, c'est mon jardin secret qui restera secret. Suivons. J'aime bien racconter mes journées, mes pensées, que ca soit pour les autres ou moi-même. Car à force, je réalise beaucoup de choses, je ré reflechis, j'analyse les choses...souvent j'appercevoit la beauté et la fluidité des choses, des é si la plus part du temps ces choses là sont couverts de noir, finalement ce n'est qu'une peinture et, avec l'ésprit ouverte et le temps, les pensées, ont voit que ce qui reste c'est un bijoux à découvrir. Et pour les bijoux précieux qui m'appartiennent déjà, la famille et l'amour, je n'ai pas besoin de les écrire ou découvrir. Ils ont en moi, et ils y resteront, protégées, avec des murs les plus hauts en amour, en solidité, en sincerité.
It's springtime, around 11 o'clock in the morning, direction towards Le Pyla, Arcachon. The sun is descending slowly across the windows of the car, which is also filled to the brim with baggages. But everything is very very calm, we are drifting. There's classical music playing and replaying on the radio in a loop. I look outside- for an instant everything is flat, flat land disrupted from time to time with fields of Colza flowers, yellow canari, bright but not 'tart'- joyful flowers. Further in sight you can see forests, like everywhere in France, but every once in a while, between the wall of forests and our car, you see a single tree placed right in the middle of the flower fields. It looks like one of those trees of life!- I just received a message from my Love. But love, is my secret garden that will stay secret. I love to speak of my days, to share my thoughts, whether it is for others or for myself. Doing so i realize much more than if i were to keep them within me...I think, i ponder, i analyze things...i tend to always see the beauty and fluidity in things...even if most of the time these things seem to be covered in black or unimportant to others. Finally you'll realize that the black was just paint, and with an open soul and mind you'll come to find that what is left is a jewel. And for the precious jewels that I've already got, love and family, i don't feel the need to write or discover them. They are within me, and they will stay, with the highest walls of love, solidity and sincerity.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


The Levis FW13 Campaign is out! I had such a fun time shooting this. The team was great, and each scene had a different set up. Picture this: a giant white studio, filled with half a dozen different little boxes in which were totally different little environments set up- a jungle, a forest, a house, clouds, snow world, etc. It is international so be on the look out! * Make sure to click on read more*


Young Again

This weekend I went camping with a group of friends from G7. Up until today my cheeks and throat had been hurting from smiling and laughing so much. These people are magic and I truly am so thankful to have such people in my life. Also, I learned how to surf which was on my list of things to do! Surprisingly wasn't too difficult, I assume that that is because I am a yogi girl. Simple, pure fun was the best cure to my horrible morning pre-camp.

Sunday, September 15, 2013


JIMON Magazine editorial is out! "Au Revoir Simone" is an editorial that was shot out in an old theatre. It is always lovely when the team just so happens to be made up of your friends. Here are the photos published and unpublished, including a backstage video. Out now! * Make sure to click on read more*

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Happy Hearts

I will leave out names for now, and just share with you these images of a fitting for an upcoming campaign/lookbook project. I hope that in them you are able to see how in love with humans I am, how in love with life I am. Especially when I am surrounded by genuinely good people. Here are some snaps from today that I managed to sneak in.

 a fellow Frenchman

 The most perfect little face
 exploring the atelier
There are many reasons as to why I love what I do, why I love working in this business, and one of them is because in this business, the true artists understand each other. We admire beauty, or whatever our perception of beauty is. We strive for it. It becomes a language, and this very comfortable world of admiration where I maybe don't feel so weird.